We advise companies on environmental, social and governance developments at German and European level and provide comprehensive support in the implementation of ESG criteria in business processes and compliance structures.
Our Range of Services
- Corporate compliance with EHS requirements
- Support in complex planning and approval procedures
- Identification and assessment of environmental risks in MA transactions
- Liability risks in connection with environmental projects
- Cooperation between companies in environmental protection – antitrust aspects
- Advice on green buildings and green leases
- Forward-looking development of energy supply and generation concepts
- Management of complex energy law implications in transactions
- ESG-compatible investments in the energy sector
- Consideration of climate protection-related requirements in business operations and transactions
- Realisation of installations in connection with the transition to renewables
- Renewables, transactions and regulation
- Future mobility, e-mobility and the charging infrastructure
- Liability risks in connection with climate change
- ESG and climate protection actions
- Advertising with environmental claims
- Liability risks in connection with greenwashing
- Environmental product legislation
- Drafting of human rights policies
- Diversity and inclusion
- Occupational health and safety
- Company Pension Scheme
- Fair working conditions
- German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains, supply chain risk analysis and development
- Roll-out/implementation of risk management systems
- Drafting of supplier codes of conduct and clauses
- Development of complaint and redress mechanisms
- Corporate governance structures
- Sustainable executive board and management remuneration as well as ESG criteria in the remuneration systems (incl. regulatory requirements)
- ESG reporting and disclosure obligations (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, CSRD)
- Codes of conduct
- ESG readiness systems
- Sustainability reporting
- Crisis management advice
- DO liability
- Administrative, judicial and extrajudicial disputes at national and international level
- Compliance and risk management
- ESG due diligence and ESG transaction documentation
- Antitrust Law
- Diversity in management and supervisory bodies
- Implementation of whistleblowing systems
- Advice on and preparation for internal investigations