Employment Law and Corporate Law: Wirtschaftswoche lists Orth Kluth with two lawyers as “Top Law Firm 2021” ▸
17. May 2021
Monday, 14 June 2021
Following the awards from WirtschaftsWoche this year in the areas of Employment Law, Compliance and Corporate Law, we are pleased to be recognised once again as a TOP Law Firm 2021 in the area of Antitrust Law.
Salary Partner Dr Lars Maritzen LL.B MLE was again included in the list of “TOP Lawyers 2021 Antitrust Law” after being listed in last year’s ranking. “This award shows us that our reputation in the field of Antitrust Law is also noticed by the competitors.”
For the current ranking, the Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) asked more than 4,400 lawyers in the field of Antitrust Law and M&A from 226 law firms to name their most renowned colleagues. After evaluation by a jury, 45 Antitrust Law firms with 87 lawyers prevailed from this list.