In its ranking in the legal field of public procurement law, WirtschaftsWoche once again singles out Orth Kluth as a “Top Law Firm 2021” and recommends Dr Michael Sitsen as a “Top Lawyer 2021”.
The team around partner Dr Michael Sitsen is very pleased about the renewed award, which confirms the achievements of the Public Commercial Law / Public Procurement Law practice group. The team focuses on public procurement in the mobility sector and also deals with numerous current and practical legal issues relating to the transport revolution, electromobility and alternative mobility providers, as well as traditional local public transport, regional rail transport and rail freight transport. In addition, the team advises on the procurement of architectural and engineering services, construction services and other services.
In cooperation with the Handelsblatt Research Institute, over 1,100 lawyers in 24 law firms were asked to name their most renowned colleagues. After evaluation of the results by a jury of experts, a final list of 50 leading law firms and 68 highly recommended lawyers for public procurement law was drawn up.